Nicely said Dick.

What a wild time we are living in, when long standing stalwarts of the Democratic Party abandon their allegiance to go Independent? I have to say, with much chagrin and disillusion, I ended up doing the same.

It all started with how Hilary Clinton treated Bernie Sanders, when she thought she was the shoe-in to be the next president. And then the nail in the coffin for me was how Hilary treated Tulsi Gabbard during her run for president, four years later. I came to realize that the Democratic party had lost its heart and soul, and everything that it stood for. It was no better than the Republican party, and actually, in fact had become worse, because at least the Republicans knew what they stood for, and didn't hide behind a facade of "good intentions."

So I totally understand why people like Kennedy and Gabbard have switched sides. My heroes are people who are brave enough, at all costs, to speak truth to power, and these two individuals epitomize what it means to be a hero. Not only because of the personal cost of speaking against the powerful, but because their deepest intent is about protecting "we the people" of America at their own expense. What greater a definition of a hero can there be?

I am still registered as an Independent, but for the first time in my life I voted for a Republican president. Yup! I did that! And I don't regret my decision for one minute. I did it for my heroes, people like Kennedy, Gabbard, Musk. I think they can make a real difference in our country, and maybe even in the world, because unlike Vegas, what happens in America, doesn't always stay in America.

I really feel that we are at a turning point. A time when the people need to take back ownership of our government and our country. I don't for a minute believe it will be smooth sailing, but I feel it is something we have to do. We have become like a bunch of sheep, accepting any kind of bullshit our government throws at us, all while they hasten our trip to the slaughter house.

The idea that pharmaceutical companies are not be held liable for shoddy vaccines, is absolutely ludicrous! How laws like this are even passed in the first place is even more abhorrent! It speaks volumes of what our government has become.

And it's time to stop!

I am very hopeful of our future, but not without caution. I am sure trump will make some big blunders, but as long as he has some good people around him, like Kennedy, to keep him in check, I feel the overall result will lead in a positive direction. After all, we are getting heroes in our government, the people who are not afraid to speak truth to power. And I really think he will listen.

The main stream media paints Trump as a narcistic ego maniac who wants to be a dictator. But name me a president who hasn't had a huge ego. I think that goes along with the job. How could anyone think they could run the most powerful country in the world without having a huge ego. And as for a narcissist, show me a narcissist who puts people around them that they know are smarter than they are?

The days of the powerful main stream media are numbered. Like our government, they have sold their souls to the big corporations. Why are we, one of only two countries in the world that allow pharmaceutical companies to hock their wares on our televisions? It's not to get us minions to buy them, it's all about control of the media, and control of the narrative.

Keep the stories coming!

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Dear Dick, Thank you for your insight, caring and knowledge on the matter of transforming our dis-eased system to wellness. You observed that healing and preventative approaches that rely on and strengthen the body’s built-in healing power are suppressed for the sake of more profitable products. I know same to be true of the Education Industrial Complex frames of mind which suppress the child and teen’s innate ability to connect with their own sources of knowledge in favor of Big Testing profits.

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Vaccines are an incredible life-saving technology that are in the wrong hands. I wish RFK had that statement from the beginning, because it was easy for the media to twist his words without it, and I do hope that is something he actually believes. As an independent, I no longer stand with RFK as he went against everything he said in his campaign with the choice he made to side with one party. On the other hand, I do hope you're right about the changes being made. I'd hope that things like enforcing standards regarding safe food ingredients, and supporting small farmers/ holding Big Ag accountable is prioritized over trivial things like seed oils on french fries. Not to mention that average Americans can barely afford food anymore, or they have to choose between food or rent, retirement, healthcare, education, etc. Real solutions address the source, just like how medicine should and doesn't. For the sick body of America, that would look like disenfranchising the major corporations run by misanthropic money whores. With a governmental body focused on protecting these same corporations, I'm woefully doubtful of that happening during this presidency, or any for that matter, until we recognize the illusion of choice we have and create a new system that starves this current paradigm out of existence.

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This is a huge job and so looking forward to RFK Jr attacking these problems!

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I have a feeling a new pandemic might be the perfect way for the health industry to handle RFKJR.

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Jan 18
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"the most vulnerable of all minorities, the Individual." As memorable a phrase as I've heard in a long time.

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